Malaya Love Affair

Malaya Love Affair

Dir/ Scr: Tsi Lo Lin
Cast: Tsi Lo Lin, Cheung Ying, Cheung Wood-yau, Ng Cho-fan, Wong Man-lei
1954 / B&W / D Beta / Cantonese / 120min

Another exotic tale about the lives of Southeast Asian Chinese, this film released seven years after Love Song of the South Island has come a long way. A young woman (Tsi Lo Lin) comes from the Mainland in search of her father (Ng Cho-fan), from whom she was separated during the war. Eventually, she finds her father and her love (Cheung Ying) too before settling down as an educator. The film ends on an optimistic note, as overseas Chinese are seen perpetuating the cultural legacy of their homeland and getting along with their Mainland counterparts. Tsi Lo Lin, with the help of veteran director Lee Sun-fung, renders with finesse the three subplots of romance, familial bond and patriotic love in her directorial debut. Well-taken location and studio shots in Singapore and Malaysia made for this great work, a measure of the fact that Cantonese cinema was back on its feet again after the postwar recession.

Date Time Venue
23/3/2015 (Sat) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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