The Spooky Bunch

The Spooky Bunch

Dir: Ann Hui
Scr: Joyce Chan
Cast: Josephine Siao Fong-fong, Kenny Bee, Kwan Chung, Lau Hark-suen, Tina Lau
1980 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / 93min

After flirting with the supernatural in The Secret, writer Joyce Chan and director Ann Hui dive straight back into the genre with this uproarious horror comedy, about the paranormal appenings in a Cantonese Opera troupe. Featuring backstage feuds, a grudge that goes back for generations and human body possessions, The Spooky Bunch plays with numerous Cantonese Opera superstitions for both laughs and scares. The result may seem a little dated over three decades later, but Chan's script also leaves plenty of breathing room between each set piece to let audiences grow familiar with her characters. In addition to a hilarious star performance by Josephine Siao (who also produced the film), the supporting cast – including veterans Kwan Chung and Lau Hark-suen– also does an exceptional job of bringing Chan's imaginative script to life.

Date Time Venue
1/5/2015 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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