Tale of Two Cities: Destined Floats, Part 1 and 2

Tale of Two Cities: Destined Floats, Part 1 and 2

Dir: Sheila Cheung
Scr: Chan Man-keung
Cast: Rachel Lee, Tiffany Liu, Liu Qiandi, Lawrence Ng Kai-wah
1990 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / 90min

Screening Courtesy of RTHK

Written by Chan Man-keung, the two episodes of "Destined Floats" aired as part of RTHK's Tale of Two Cities series in November 1990, is a post-Tiananmen, post-Hong Kong/Macau transitional period reflection of uncertainty. Hailing from Panyu, Zhou Hong (Rachel Lee), rebellious by nature, goes to the Portuguese enclave to chase after her crooked boyfriend. All she needs is love, but it doesn't make life easy. She finds illegal labour work with her cousin, then becomes a domestic helper, before she meets mainland university student Ling Yunfang (Liu Qiandi) and becomes an escort along with her. Through the pair's journeys, set against the chaos of Macau at the time, Chan Man-keung takes on heavy issues surrounding the Tiananmen student movement, the fight for democracy, the identity of the "Chinese", the awakening of the educated, as well as emigration and return migration. In the end, Zhou and Ling part ways, with Zhou following her heart and moving to Lisbon with a Portuguese diplomat, and Ling embracing the pro-democracy movement and heading back to Tiananmen Square.

Date Time Venue
26/6/2015 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.