Her Fatal Ways

Her Fatal Ways

Dir: Alfred Cheung
Scrs: Alfred Cheung, Wong Wang-ki
Cast: Carol Cheng, Alfred Cheung, Tony Leung Ka-fai
1990 / Colour / DCP / Cantonese / Chi & Eng subtitles / 101min

© 2010 Fortune Star Media Limited All Rights Reserved.

The series Her Fatal Ways is a rare example of political comedy in Hong Kong. While full of satirical humour, it is commercial at the same time. Sensitive to the spirit of the times, Alfred Cheung captures Hong Kong people's fear of the city's return to China by creating the highly representative character of the cousin from mainland China on the margin of history. Each character in the film is deliberately stereotyped and cartoonlike. While seemingly unrealistic, they stand for different kinds of ideology. Constantly coming into conflict with one another, they reconcile in the end. This series allows Hong Kong people to vent their feelings and find a way out in absurdity. Cheung is skilled at turning the serious into comic, and at depicting figures from the lower echelons of society. Using reality as a basis, he indulges in flights of fantasy, while showing compassion for those who don't fit in. With the changed relations between Hong Kong and China, mainlanders are no longer marginalised like the protagonist of the film. But this film is timeless and still strikes a chord with Hong Kong people after the reunification.

Date Time Venue
7/6/2015 (Sun) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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