Parents' Hearts

Parents' Hearts

Dir/Scr: Chun Kim
Cast: Ma Si-tsang, Wong Man-lei, Lam Kar-sing, Yuen Siu-fai
1955 / B&W / D Beta / Cantonese / 111min

A refreshing antithesis to shoddily produced Cantonese films in post-war Hong Kong, Union Film Enterprise took great care (especially in scriptwriting) to produce quality Cantonese films, and this masterpiece by writer-director Chun Kim is a highlight of the company's legacy. A father who only wishes for his eldest son (Lam Kar-sing) to become successful, Lei (Ma Si-tsang) works hard on stage to provide for his children. When the troupe shuts down from the economic downturn, Lei's eldest son carries the family financial burden by taking up part-time work. After losing his voice from exhaustion, Lei is even forced to let his youngest son become a performer as well. Chun's script turns a simple father-son drama into a heartrending portrayal of selfless parental sacrifice. Ma Si-tsang gives an absolutely devastating performance as a dignified performer who never lets his personal hardships cover the friendly welcoming smile he gives on stage.

Date Time Venue
29/5/2015 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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