The Golden Key

The Golden Key

Dir: Mok Hong-si
Scr: Lee Yuen-man, Pong Chau-wah
Co-starring: Law Yim-hing, Poon Yat On, Lau Hark-suen
1963 / B&W (partly tinted) / D Beta / Cantonese / 105min

A Cantonese road movie, an odyssey with opera sing-song, Raider of the Lost Statues…The Golden Key is a film that begs for sound bites. Yam Kim-fai plays a king who has been deposed by an evil minister and his effort to restore his throne takes him on an adventurous journey marked by fantastic encounters with bizarre creatures and hostile terrains, animated by special effects and colour tinting. Although this film had been released on DVD, we are screening a special print that had gone through hand colouring, adding vivid hues to the film, the projection of which requires particular handling.

Date Time Venue
5/12/2009 (Sat) 2:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
27/12/2009 (Sun) 5:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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