Swallows Come Home

Swallows Come Home

Dir: Chu Kea
Scr: Lo Yu-kei
Original Story: Tong Tik-sang
Co-starring: Fong Yim-fun, Tam Sin-hung, Poon Yat On
1958 / B&W / D Beta / Cantonese / 115min

Before Yam Kim-fai developed her special rapport with Pak Suet-sin, she had starred in many films with Fong Yim-fun, one of the most beloved opera actresses of her time. Fong often plays a woman who has to endure long sufferings and in Swallows Come Home, she is a young mother who is separated from her own son for 18 years by a mean mother-in-law (played in drag by the always delightful veteran Poon Yat On). The film focuses mainly on Fong's plight and Yam is left to play the archetypal inopportune husband-son, torn between wife and mother, personal love and filial piety. The film also takes after the huangmei diao craze of the time, using an off-screen chorus to drive the plot.

Date Time Venue
12/12/2009 (Sat) 4:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
26/12/2009 (Sat) 12:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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