Seven Little Valiant Fighters (aka Two of a Kind)

Seven Little Valiant Fighters (aka Two of a Kind)

Dir: Lung To
Scr: Lee Yuen-man
Cast: Yu Kai, Cheng Bik-ying, Yam Yin, Lam Yim, Yuen Fu (aka Lee Kuk-wah), Yuen Lung (aka Sammo Hung), Yuen Ting (aka Ng Ming-choi), Yuen Tai, Yuen Wah, Yuen Lau (aka Jackie Chan), Yuen Man (aka Mang Yuen-man)
1962 / B&W / D Beta / Cantonese / 106min

The Yuen Clan kids may not get top billing for Seven Little Valiant Fighters, reserving the honor for action star Yu Kai, but they more than carry the film on their small but acrobatic backs. They act, they clown but mostly they perform, tumbling in and out of scenes and fighting different kinds of creatures, from men and women thrice their size to a ferocious monster that breathes fire. Watching the film is loads of fun to begin with, but extra pleasure comes from recognizing Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan, Yuen Wah and Ng Ming-choi from among the hyperactive munchkins.

Date Time Venue
14/11/2009 (Sat) 7:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
22/11/2009 (Sun) 12:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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