The Making of Martial Arts Films—As Told by Filmmakers and Stars Book Cover

The Making of Martial Arts Films—As Told by Filmmakers and Stars

A journey through the history of Hong Kong martial arts films based on our Oral History recordings. Filmmakers recollecting their past include prominent directors, stars and action choreographers. Bilingual in Chinese and English. Published in 1999, priced at HK$60. Currently out of stock. (Edited by Winnie Fu)

ISBN 962-8050-06-0


The Provisional Urban Council Membership List (98-99)

Message from the Chairman, Provisional Urban Council

Film Archive Advisers and Staff


Oral History Interviewees


Hong Kong Film Archive

Creating the Martial Arts Film and the Hong Kong Cinema Style

Zhang Che

Conflict and Desire – Dialogues Between the Hong Kong Martial Arts Genre and Social Issues in the Past 40 Years
Lau Tai-muk

Section I: A Retrospective

Section II: The Stars

Section III: Martial Arts Techniques and Special Effects

Martial Arts Directors in Hong Kong Cinema
Yu Mo-wan 

Section IV: Directors' Philosophy


Chess Board